Where we Canoodle a Poodle for the magic of a Doodle
About us
We are a small breeder located in the Eugene/Springfield area. Our dogs go everywhere with us as part of the family. A day at the lake, or a hike in the mountains. Even floating down the river or just for a drive. We have a large family of 6 kids, as well as a large extended family, and the dogs are just another part of our family and extension of ourselves.
Our dogs are well loved. They are brought into our homes as puppies. We love and bond with them long before any breeding tests begin. I personally enjoy the working relationship developed thru training, grooming, and competing. We look to play to both the dogs’ strengths as well as what the dog enjoys. We’ve spent countless hours building a respectful, trusting relationship with each dog to make sure they grow into the best version of themselves. As a team, dog and handler, we’ve trained, competed and titled in conformation, scent work and lure coursing.
We want the absolute best for the future of the breed and for any pup you add to your family. Each dog and pairing is carefully considered before breeding including confirmation, temperament, genetics and OFA health testing. The well-being and health of our dogs is always our first priority.
About me
I’m a mother of 6 thriving children. 4 of them are now adults and all of them participate in our program with varying roles - Including puppy care, guardians to our Ladies and Gentlemen, competitive sports or conformation, socializing, cleaning, errands and so much more. Jackson our youngest can often be seen in puppy videos we share. He is outgoing, energetic, and a born leader. He has taken great steps in learning respectful interactions and how to communicate with our dogs and plays a large role in their socialization. As a family we also own and operate 2 other seperate specialized businesses.
I have spent a lot of time studying “DOG”. How to communicate with them, how to read body language. This is something I continue to learn and grow in. Prior to breeding I learned everything I could to make sure we are breeding healthy and happy dogs.
As a child my parents ran a breeding kennel in LA. I do not remember life without dogs. MANY dogs. My childhood chore was to play with and socialize puppies. Awesome right? Well, my 10-year-old self would say otherwise- it was after all a chore I was FORCED to do. I learned a lot from being a part of that experience, and I’ve always had my mom for assistance as needed. We left the breeding and kennel life in LA and moved to rural Oregon in 1992. It was then I learned, I am not a city girl! I’m a country girl through and through. I raised pigs, I rode horses, and I had a pet goat. I spent my summers on old logging roads or down by the creek.
I’m an active person. I love all animals. I always stay busy, and I thrive in chaos! Let me tell you - I’ve never met chaos like trying to “herd” a litter of 3# puppies.
The relationship that one builds with a pet is priceless. I see the value in recognizing who each dog is, both their strengths and weaknesses. Learning to work together as a team while building on respect and trust is a relationship you will not find anywhere else. It’s incredibly rewarding!
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